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The Sufis' and Ibn al-'Arabi's attitudes towards the pillars of Islam

אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים
Description: "The present book examines the Sufis' and mainly Ibn al-̔Arabī's approaches to the five pillars of Islam. A chapter of ritual purity is added, because this precept is a necessary condition for the implementation of some pillars. The Sufis' approaches to these precepts vacillate between acceptance and rejection. Their acceptance of the pillars is expressed in different ways; mystical, theological, philosophical and ethical considerations are introduced to explain the formal rites of the five pillars.
Author: Binyamin Abrahamov
Series: Islamic Mysticism Series
Year: 2019
Ages: תיכון ומעלה
Subjects: דתות,
Pages: 225
Type: ספר עיון
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